
Who's responsible for this mad, gay quote collection?

You must be making this up!

Oooooh! You missed one!

Why does episode X have no slashy quotes?

You evil smut peddler! M*A*S*H is a family show.

Why "As Us Butch Guys Say At The Front" ?

Who's responsible for this mad, gay quote collection?

Epigone started a M*A*S*H slashy quotes page, and one day her fellow lunatic Krissy Mae Anderson thought: "There must be more quotes! Let's make this an archive!" and wasted an inordinate amount of time setting up a website with a really crappy color scheme instead of doing college coursework. Eventually, when she finally got all the episodes on DVD, she sat down on her ass, and to make up for three years of not updating, watched M*A*S*H day and night until her brain broke and the quote collection was somewhat enriched. Also responsible is our usual suspect Grayswandir, along with all the other kind M*A*S*H slashers who have contributed quotes. And of course, we mustn't forget Lisa, who slaved away to help out with the update.



You must be making this up!

Nope, all of these dialogue excerpts are from actual M*A*S*H episodes.



Oooooh! You missed one!

Alas, Krissy Mae is only human, and can miss subtext hitting her over the head with an anvil.
E-mail her at and get listed as a contributor.



Why does episode X have no slashy quotes?

Well, as much as we want it, even M*A*S*H can't be slashy in every episode. The contributors let their minds wallow in the gutter and have brought you as much slashiness as they could find, in and out of context - to paraphrase Hawkeye, but some episodes just don't have subtext. Or, alternately, Krissy Mae has missed a quote.



You evil smut peddler! M*A*S*H is a family show.

Different strokes for different folks. If you don't like M*A*S*H slash, this might not be the place for you.



Why "As Us Butch Guys Say at the Front" ?

That's why.


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