"Major Fred C. Dobbs"


Frank: [to Henry] "You have no idea what it's been like living with those two perverts."
Henry: "Oh... They're not really so-"
Frank: "They're not? I take my life in my hands every time I go to bed..."


Henry: [lisping] "You know, Frank, as rough as it's been sometimes, I think I'll miss you..."


Hawkeye: [seeing Frank carrying a bouquet] "Frank, flowers? I asked for light chocolates. I'm allergic to flowers."


Hawkeye: [after listening to Frank rant] "The typical love/hate complex. Freud said it best when he said 'Never ask for light chocolates'."


Hawkeye: [to Radar, who is trying to wake him up] "If I open my eyes and you're not a blond pushover, you're in trouble."

(I wonder which blond pushover Hawk might be referring to... - KMA)


Hawkeye: [to Trapper] "I don't care how drunk you make me, I'm not going home with you."


Frank: "I've decided not to go, sir."
Henry: "Frank, if you think you're gonna sleep here tonight, you're crazy."


Frank: [to Henry] "I'm yours, forever."

(OOC, but still fun... - KMA)


Hawkeye: [to Trapper, referring to Frank] "I told you he was a sweetheart." [kisses Frank passionately]


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