"Welcome To Korea"


Hawkeye: [to Frank] "Hello, honey, I'm home."


Radar: [about Trapper's message] "Well, he did say that I should give you something, but, uh-"
Hawkeye: "What? What-what-what-what? What-what-what?"
Radar: "Ah, gee, I can't..."
Hawkeye: "What?"
Radar: [sighs] "Okay, but just remember this was his idea." [kisses Hawkeye on the cheek]


(Watch for Hawkeye returning Radar's kiss.)


B.J.: "You married?"
: "Someone's gonna have to get me pregnant first..."


Radar: [referring to a colonel] "He's comin' over here."
Hawkeye: "Play hard to get."


(Be on the lookout for the scene when Hawkeye is holding BJ as he throws up.)


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